Separate yourself from others

from technology

from infrastructure 

 and just breathe 

heavily three times 

and let yourself 

marinate with nature. ~


Aint it neat to be with the beat don’t you worry

worry about your feet

don’t you worry about the terrible or terrific thoughts

thoughts to be shared are not thoughts

yess thoughts to be shared are not thoughts

therefore the definition of thought is flawed like

a curved car on a straight road

which is carrying a heavy load

with a gigantic toad

trumping us all

ain’t it neat to be with the beat and don’t you worry

worry about your feet

I said aint it neat to be with the beat and don’t you

worry about your feet

say what needs to be said

don’t allow yourself to be wed

to norms and forms

be as unique as your dna

spiral smoothly

into a ripe and

long lasting onion

with layers of knowledge

and a core with a creative collage

embrace the foilage

as a child does

frolicking in the fall

life is your own painted wall

it aint neat to be with the beat but you do worry

worry about your feet

it aint neat to be with the beat but you do worry

worry about your feet~


When moving

keep in mind the dimension is continuous

the perception is different though

but going with the flow

only comes naturally half of the time

otherwise get ready to mime

for eye contact and a smile

is worth the mile

style — style is varying

never turn to burying

your self expression

for in every intersection

of culture

there is room for venture

partake in the admirable adventure ~


Nervous habits are distracting to others

but within one feels mesmerized by this

repetitive pattern like a hypnosis

of colors rationale discolors

and withers

the the mind overpowers

like a powerful gospel choir

thoughts perspire

and comfort alters the defaults die

slowly and steadily like a sloth ~


Find the bliss in the little notes of life

they move you along in different directions

of tender and tangible notions

that make motions

through music

harmonizing the soft and hard

composition of the cello

playing of yo yo ma

and my sister

parallel and synchronized

the little notes mesh and mold

into the peacefulness

of white noise

allowing units to take force

like a colony of ants

working to perfect a wooden woman

representing a feminine tree

blowing in the winds

of the soft notes of the

birds and bees

marinate with all the moments

cherished within mountainous

relationships of harmony

and humbleness~


Growth is generous

timing is tedious

transplanting yourself leads to

discovery and differing depths

within cultures and composures

of traditions melded

from differing minds

never blind

yourself from exposure

for a labyrinth of learning

awaits even the most delicate seedlings

molding into mindful beings~


Life isn’t a logical sudoku

numbers are manipulated

life isn’t a chess game

people are not predictable

life is not a jigsaw puzzle

fate is not determined

life isn’t a song

words are said but not meant

life isn’t a movie

there isn’t always a suspenseful twist

with a joyful ending

life isn’t monopoly

money doesn’t grow on trees

life isn’t operation

dissection of choices is difficult

life isn’t rummy

luck is seldom

life isn’t a video game

violence will never cease

life isn’t a silly sitcom

comedy is reality

life isn’t a piece of cake

many ingredients are

intense when independent

but more logical when

looped together into

an infinity of games


and harmonies~


A wall sit

requires the same

focus as the effect of

being captured by someones

eyes and brain

this leaves a stain

in my memory and soul

readily taking a toll

on me our conversations felt endless

and I know I would like to kiss you

a skew 

I feel

but I enjoy it so

yes peculiar and intriguing


I am wanting to know what is on your

mesmerizing mind

all the damn time

please sweep me a way

to a banjo folk song

prancing like deer

and gleeful like birds on a Monday morning

meditate with me

meld our minds

and lets weather



Levels of pressure

in the form of energy levels

dissipating one by one steadily

as I breathe in a 4, 7, 1

pattern —spun

in my melding and molding mind 

spirits are in a bend

body descends

as mind and body become one

4,7, 1 the pattern is still spun

vibrations are radiating microscopically

throughout my atoms

a sense of nirvana has been reached

as I chant shiva shiva

with a soft singing tune

mellow as a shroom

content and clear

pondering about the metaphor

of an iceberg

melting from meditation

a soothing sensation

an elation

like classical music

in the blazing sun

I breathe in a 4, 7, 1

with a peculiar

pattern spun~


Emotional state is currently

a dried mango drained of juiciness

texture difficult to chew

dry and withered I am wilting

waiting for a thunderstorm

that will never come

I am numb



and as confused

as a confused flour beetle

digging for a needle

in a brain that is

wired in a brilliant and terrible way

an occurrence

that is as compatible

as peanut butter and jelly

occurring too often

and resulting in the



Find an outlet no matter the mindset

for pleasure is as diverse

as the species among

Coleoptera insects

no need for incest

be unique

and know that

your style is one

within and without

vibrant as a bean sprout

providing peace to agriculture

like a stone

steady and serene

mystical as anime

creative and celestial

all minds deserve a festival of ideas

creating the harmony within

our ‘sane’ society~


Not in a frenzy but like fireworks

within the vibrations of life

feeling nature in your field of vision

as passionate as a tiger

on a mission

to protect mother teresa

in every sect

for we are all interconnected

like a jungle ecosystem

with tigers as CEOs

and snakes as politicians

versatile species thriving

and surviving

in a frenzy of tranquility

and chaos

for every crayon deserves recognition

not malnutrition~


Indeed we have never met

but there is a bet

that we will flow

in a smooth groove

would you like to meet

for a not so sweet beer

please don’t fear

this is a novel thing

for me to do

but I could use some

spice in my life

so lets pat the drum

to a new pattern

to see where it leads~


Fire lit

watching the ashes inter-fold

and logs disintegrate

beautifully like a mushroom decaying

on speed

lyrics being sung

about a party under the sea

fins wagging

in the wavelengths of water

shrimp cocktails in a whirl

being lit with a

jelly fish hug 

beneath clown fish are getting

frisky in the coral

feeling floral

the colors of the sea


like rattle snakes

sizzling within

the flames of the logs

ribbits of frogs

harmonize with the

strumming of the guitar

and fork percussion

steadied by a

meditation instrument

with an intricate

and magnificent warmth

lit by fire~


Why do strawberries

have seeds on the outside

a predicament

the same as peacocks

and their extravagant feathers

an overgrowth of heathers

oodles to ponder about

like how pandas are so enormous

eating solely bamboo

ahh and mildew too

mysterious mellow

mushrooms multiplying

into the largest organism

thoughts are in a prism

about how liquid sand

could turn into such a

sophisticated state

and certain species

have curious and creative

calls for their special mate

brilliant birds in a flock

like the tick tock

of a coo coo clock

…time in itself

yes time in itself

is an endless

quaint question~


Find your mind

don’t let her bind

but be found

from aspen eyes

living in the mountains

wise and durable

sending logical

and clear headed

advice to your soul

through vivacious vibrations

find your mind

don’t let her bind

in a low land forrest

birch eyes can soothe

with a peace of mind

filling your aura

dig into the flora

find your mind

don’t let her bind

even in the wild jungle

bracket fungi

mesmorize temptation

resonating a chill sensation

providing rationales that radiate

throughout your wild mind~


Inner zen

is found when


is accessed like

a chameleon

meditating the brain

in order to sustain

emanating comfort

producing an inner strength

of an ox

patient like a hawk

floating with the wind

and intertwined with


breathing with vitality

and radiating repetition

igniting cognition

still as a plant

I begin to chant

rhythmically one

shaking a rice filled


thoughts clear as light

I am free to write

throughout this

Tuesday twilight~

Red gorgeous fluff 

just don’t make her puff

let her ride her bike

in the sun 

thats what she’ll like 

an everlasting fun 

every inch of her 

juicy body is filled 

with bursts of flavor 

like every individual 

colorful nerd within a 

nerd rope 

I will always want to elope 

with my red gorgeous fluff 

and her fluff shall prevail 

as long as it is fluffed. ~


Writing a book

is not an easy cook

no the passion comes with patience

where is this nuisance

in me

it is free

to write

instead of taking a bite

into a party or a person

for I feel inspired

to express

and feel this bite

bite of knowledge and consciousness

of individuality

for it is a pity

as this blod clot

of ideas

are as sharp as the screeches of hyenas ~


Pigeons poo passionately 

crickets chirp considerately  

wheels whirl wisely  

dogs drool disgustingly 

mice munch minimally 

treasured trees talk 

flamingos fucking frolic 

dolphins dive deeply 

bras balance breasts

worms wiggle wow

zealous zebras zip

teeth tighten trousers 

blissful birds breezing 

guitars groove gently.~


Let yourself feel elated 

don’t let the feeling become belated 

free the inner rushes 

experience the burning gushes 

kiss the fear away

allow your fingers to play 

know no limit 

understand the nature of exquisite 

every being deserves this notion 

as we are always in motion 

in this wave 

we must not behave ~ 


A twenty minute bike ride 

Rolling with the tide 

Steady beat in my stride 

Fresh as tide 

I pass a middle eastern neighborhood 

The delicious smell of food 

And amazing fresh produce 

Next I see a goose 

No actually an adorable family of geese crossing the street

Every being stops like dead meat 

Then a daily dose of Greta Thunberg 

And another mural of ‘when will I get laid’ 

How these memories will never fade 

For this culture is riveting 

And somehow diverse

Yet filled with  endless babies and beautiful people 

With such a strong thirst 

For tuborg and carlsburg 

Of course there are free transgender hugs 

And endless green nugs 

On this 420 

Smelling the air is plenty 

For I am on my way to feed my mealworms 

Oh how they squirm 

Tender but firm 

Like the wheel of my shitty bike 

Every ride is unlike 

And there is never any dislike ~ 


I want to be a snail 

or a nail 

then time would just fail 

No need to bail 

Just bask like a beached whale

And tell an old wise tale 

About how vivacious it is in hell

While all food goes stale 

Never checking email 

And forget about females 

And males 

For they are just a detail

Get lost on this phenomenal trail 

Exhale and inhale 

Inhale this city and avail.~ 

 To squeal 

Is not to feel 

But there is a strength of an eel 

When it stings 

Your heart bings 

This body of yours is shaking 

Mind numb 

Three Stooges dumb 

It’s time to change 

Grow up 

No need to make your stomach throw up 

Out of guilt 

Don’t let your soul wilt 


Rearrange the priorities 

So you don't have any worries 

Life is vivacious 

No need to be anxious 

Write and fill the void 

And simply be enjoyed.~


A bear and a CEO 

both sit up right 

with a round tummy

and get into sticky situations 

they take people’s things throughout the night

and during the day they hide and slump around

they scare people 

but yet their still warm and fuzzy right 

with all dem honeys.~


When someone says hello 

to a new fellow 

their hairs sizzle 

like a frying fizzle 

of an egg 

but don’t stare at their leg

even though there is a tattoo 

of an egg cracked on bamboo. ~



class filled 

with potatoes. 

Some get fried throughout 

the course and some 

get baked before. 

but their all apart of the 

same sack. ~


What if I was born a: 

worm that slithers

beetle that crawls

a toad that hops

an ant that unites

a bee that sucks

a butterfly that flutters

a lightning bug that lights up

a moth that mimics 

a caterpillar that sees the world

from 12 different views.~ 

Just like the cello

I am feeling mellow

brain and body

able to write

observations and poems

about snakes

slithering wildly in the desert

deep in a delirium of dirt

and aimless art

inching along

with a harmonic humm

of an arid heat

that can’t be beat

a concert so serene

just me and her

playing and writing

with the hot hot sun

baring my soul and

seizing hers

this is what I prefer~



day to day

no place needed

to be no place to go

new ideas rise

like the wise

and the wild

still prevail —

not stuck like us

we are just nails—

to put up an intricate and novel painting

with behavior and reactions

that are new to most

of us who are used to toast

as a given

but it isn’t a given

is it

people are not fit

to be stuck in an armpit —

personalities will become hairy

and tensions will build

but also comfort and thrill

will perpetuate

with the soothing smell of your own —

all of this is looming in every time zone~

Chaos to some

others numb

neither are dumb

but currently rationale is recessive

and this is very pensive

for the documentaries, scientific studies, music, and art

will stem from this beer named virus

as desirous as an English Iris

unexpected friendliness will flower

throughout your day of worry and wander

but don’t forget only to ponder

with thoughts and words but no actions

for this is a time of zen and stillness

to prevail this illness~


Mystery i feel

my curiosity is kneeling

to your smile

interest as immense as the Nile

compatibility will click

like two dragonflies

in an infinite glide

our vibe will be as harmonic and poetic

as iron & wine

slow and feeling fine

it would be nice if you were mine

apprehensive I am

but damn

I am encompassed in a calm

air with a flair of intelligence

that I am willing to commence

to morph into a

beautiful being together

would be clever

with a feeling as light as a feather

this feeling comes with a buzz

of a bumble bee

and unaprolligetically

as free

as a flea~


Beauty in the roots

of your curls

firm but open

to growth and nutrients

your brain is buzzing

constantly like a bee~


Walking upside down

a nice perspective

tasting with their feet

they will not deplete

pooping endlessly

in their flying trail

eating waste

certainly not frail

but not able to bite

sucking in only liquid

putting up a good fight

moving 7 times faster than us

living everywhere

producing more with less

laying 120 eggs

certainly begs

research and attention

for they are nutritious

and scrumptious

but can be dangerous

carrying toxins and pathogens

they must be our friends

in order to achieve zen~


Insects are a flawless circular economy

an exquisite soy ginger grasshopper

a whimsical worm

providing delicious crops

mosquitos utilizing blood

and thriving after a flood

insects are in every sect

of humanity

they provide sanity

to many ecosystems

especially a honey bee

and those marvelous monarchs

need an arc of milkweeds

they are feed for birds, fish and people

spicy, sweet nutty

a gregarious gutty

digesting the unknown

providing fertilizer

with intriguing enzymes

and bacteria

orders are original

every species provides

support and stability

forgetting them in the food chain

is a pity

science will prove the safe

policy that is desired

startups are inspired

and ant ice cream is admired~


One leaf withers 

deteriorating away only 

to appear as a cricket the next 

day but then as old age 

chirps away the riveting cricket forms into a lion

then the lion roars enough times

to pass its way into waking up 

as a carbon atom within the 

atmosphere then it is sucked in by an evergreen tree

in Alaska and the tree continues 

to grow into a waterfall 

flowing along with the directions 

of nature then suddenly 

is whirled up within a 

hurricane then this hurricane dies

quick not a strong eye you see 

then this living bunch of atoms 

becomes a mail man in Tokyo. ~


A skinny little boy

give him a toy 

and his mind will go to mars

while he munches on candy bars 

the wheels spin wildly on the toy car 

as he is being taken afar 

to a new universe 

to a place much more diverse 

with talking microorganisms 

preaching algae wisdoms. ~

Crows are on the horizon 

going off to her farewell 

my nerves are in a hurry 

the squeezing of a hand 

speeding along the flat land

cold sweat 

for a crisp morning 

windy and wild rain

emotional she is today

her tears cold hard and frozen 

bouncing off the windshield

blue grass is softly playing 

marinating with the wind 

my heart wont mend 

matching soft grey hats we wear 

with despair 

absolute despair 

sucking on lemon candy 

sweet and sour 

juice pinching at my cheeks 

I stop the car suddenly 

I had spotted a flower 

a vivacious violet pansy 

just one but oh she is fancy 

a black crow swoops down 

I give him a deep frown 

as he hops over to my pansy 

I give him a little dance 

I start dancing like a fool 

twisting to my toes 

the crow tilted his head and observed 

then he hopped around the pansy 

my dancing became more passionate 

more power behind each groove 

the crow bit off the pansy 

and hopped directly to me 

he even flew on my shoulder 

we hand delivered the pansy 

to her rightful owner 

she put it in her soft grey hat

giving her soft grey hat an accessory of a life time 

for she will be buried in that soft grey hat I made for her. ~

We are trees

branches are our brain waves

connecting with the earths energy

spread out and protruding in every direction

each leaf needs nutrients and care

as each part of the brain should be beloved

our foot steps grow like roots seeking for new and repeated space

with a steady pace

and a strong core

our trunk matures

some of us funky like a tabebuia tree

some wise like sequoia

some as neat as a bonsai

and many are fruitful

with a few nutty ones

and a canopy that is musically intuitive

connected with society

benefiting and providing

support to ones closest to us

a healthy ecosystem within

and with all ~


Find the file

to the right red brick

they resemble

each note on a Spanish guitar

as synchronous

as the seas

two bodies can become

to long I have been numb

that fierce and fun feeling

I crave

I curiously crave


brave I need to be

I need to be me~


Keep the unnecessary noice in the background

live life as sharp as knife

keep the beat in your core

as those thoughts are not sore

your image is representative

of the ones that live

vivaciously and curious

being boring is a curse

explore and create

because you are not bait ~


Simplicity is severe

complexity is cunning

curious and quaint

an owl is quite fowl

with its ways of hunting

and howling

eyes and ears prowling

like adults in pub

sex is seldom simple

finding the proper squirrel

takes patience

and maintenance

on your traits and virtues

like a vine producing fruit

many interactions and growth

must occur

before a cat purrs ~



An immense brown chunky liquid 

dried and fed to some brilliantly and intense Tenebrio Molitor 

more efficient than a chicken 

biodegrading plastic and not accumulating heavy metals 

auspiciously fantastic 

little beetles 

 providing protein 

from a colossal amount of food waste 

very peculiar and green 

with a promising taste 

 only to overcome legal difficulty

 certainly is still a quandary ~


This kick to write

is as exciting as a post person

delivering each package

to a cool school

with a teacher guiding a curious student

and a nurse is giving a vaccine

while a landscaper blows a mulch path

for a professional runner to practice hurdles

with a dreamy dairy producer near by with curdles

of cheeeeese

cheese that will please

a chef making pizza in italy

and a quesidilla in mexico


of your ego

meditate as a monk

allow yourself to funk

into the geek

of whatever ‘freak’

aspect of this world

that belongs

to your being

as we all deserve

the feeling to geek for whatever you ‘freak’~


Life is one thing after another

love is two things after each other

as you breathe and walk as one

don’t forget to pause with others and have fun fun fun

and may your love be as dependable and powerful as a tree

and sticky as glue

when times are blue

communication is key

through and through

as yin and yang

your presence makes a big bang

I wish you the best

as you build your love nest ~~


When you share the same blood

your emotions are affected with the force of a flood

through your hairs to your toes

the feeling flows

the interconnectedness is immense

with cooked apples and grilled cheese nothing is ever tense

an impeccable amount of plants and bird feeders

allowed us to be peaceful leaders

through your love and grounded bliss

oh how you will be missed

missed remembered and admired

admired by everyone you have let into your nest

with your vibrant blue eyes and witty comments ~


Feel the strings

from a cacti

shaped in the formation

of a spider


then a feather

to withstand arid weather

and spike

any being they particularly

don’t like

with glowers

hmm yess glowing


vibrant and true

to the blue

of nature

coping with barren

better than

a heavy metal basest

amidst the serene strings

of Beethoven

delicately woven

like a spiders web~


A lighter

igniting the dark side of the moon

like the serene swooning of a swan

and an opportunistic down

absorbing the sun and mist

emerging from your cocoon

squirming to your favorite tune

adapt and melt from one state to another

like ink on a typewriter

click along

and feel the spark

and make your mark

like twain

feel the pain

to leave a stain~


Mycotoxins and insects

and how they interact

will be intricately reviewed

in fact

their metabolism will be analyzed

and development

with a squint

at the accumulation

then SF9

of the fine

black solider larvae

previously reared on the waste

of maize without taste

will be investigated

for phase two enzymes

at work on AFB1

exquisitely spun

by inhibitors

then the tolerance

of many advanced

generations of BSF

will be reared on Aflatoxin filled maize

not cemented in a haze

because they are tough

and resilience will prevail

then the accumulation of AFB1 in Crickets

will be examined because the metamorphosis is hung by a nail

on my living room brick wall

and because in Madagascar

locusts are eaten like caviar

or more like chicken that are easy to catch

it would be novel research to attach

the potential industry of small time rearers

empowering circular economy

with utilizing destructive agronomy

then comparing the frass

to find alas

a hopeful toxin free fertilizer

to utilize in the future of agriculture

with non arable land from climate change

with the precision and greed of a vulture

insects are indeed

not the counterculture ~

Am I dangerous

fiery and smart

eyes like a work of art

beautiful body

intertwined with nature

am I dangerous

creative on paper

with weirdly wise writing

mesmerizing music taste

never moving with haste

but gentle and sound

am I dangerous

swimming like a dolphin

biking daily

making you hazy

cooking, hunting, and

identifying fungi

being the fungi

is inevitable

am I dangerous

exploring entomology

into morphology

wave lengths ignite

between us causing

organic powers to intertwine

us into an insect mating


am I dangerous

smiling at you

maybe true~


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