A tree stump
with a glorious
large cap mushroom
a mellow mushroom
just a fellow mushroom
enjoying its stump
for its quite plump.~
A waterfall persists on-
an army of little water droplets
like an army of ants marching on high
speed with a constant roar
of intrigue and innocence.~
A tree provides support
it supplies nutrients
it bears fruit
it is the playground of life
provides shade
has roots filled
with water for an ecosystem
has rings growing and growing
leaves falling
and a cheetah sits
a monkey plays
woodpeckers poke
koala’s sleep
birds nest
humans breathe in their
oxygen and humans
destroy them daily
to just sit
sit on their asses. ~
Sustainable agriculture leads to an every day life without torture
reduce your meat in order to view your precious feet
don't fly on a plane feel the spirit of a lions mane
ride your bike let your calf muscles go on a hike
cook from a book
plant your own vegetables you are highly capable
plant your herbs all around your front curb
plant a fruit tree then you can observe the bees
try an insect and allow your intellect
to grow into a garden, a garden with compost
where no food is lost
create biofuel or feed livestock
grow mushrooms and let this tune
of life string on and on like a grape vine
oh sustainable agriculture is fine
so so fine ~
Interaction is a weird concept. If we all lived separately and just enjoyed our surroundings peacefully through observation, Life would be so different it would be the life of a tree. ~
Tree rings spiral
just like tornadoes
but the tornado is
immediate and a tree
is everlong
just a different
amount of atoms
changing the amount of
spirals. ~
The soil should never turmoil
microorganisms never stop
they are to thank for every pop
in this atmosphere
yes in this atmosphere
itsy bitsy insects have no fear
highly capable of digesting
flying, swimming, hopping, digging, and morphing
ahh indeed, the soil should never turmoil
and keystone species should always foil
just as there is an elephant in every room
and this elephant is when one messes with mother earth
all will have dearth
certainly, the soil should never turmoil
as we invest and kill over oil
mountains prevail
and a whale
well a whale isn’t frail
stronger than a good ale
of course, over consumption is stale
because, the soil should never turmoil
rivers flowing
and marvelous matrices
within the ripples of the ocean
and a symphony of snowflakes
every being is at stake
climate change is not fake
so we must all make
damn sure the soil
will never turmoil ~
The roots of trees
are engraved in
this feeling of being strung together
fit within how we should be
just to be the bee
in human being
is rooted in different ways
some trees are wide rooted
others are feeling diluted
with water and the wise
have thick and long
resistant roots
strong and steady
like al dente spaghetti ~
I don’t understand
it is understood
that food
is to be appreciated
I don’t understand
food is to be delicious
and a delicacy
a little fact
I don’t understand
food should be sustainable
supporting a circular economy
and providing harmony
among ecosystems
I don’t understand
why a novel food
in one hood
of the world
is a tradition
in another hood
I don’t understand
why nutritious food should be illegal
when the regal
elsewhere are enjoying
I don’t understand
why turning waste
into a taste
is frowned upon
for this food
can biodegrade plastic
I don’t understand
why turning brewed
spent grain
into delicious food
isnt just a beautiful excuse
to drink more beer
with friends
I don’t understand
why 25 percent of food
should be lost to mycotoxins
it isn’t pshyco
to solve the food security puzzle
I don’t understand
these beings can replace soy, corn, and wheat
for livestock and humans
no need for too much meat
reductionists eat
and shall defeat
for I don’t understand
why insects for food and feed
are not in the chain
of fortunate food
like every hair in the mane
of a lion
a majestic entity
requires overcoming daring
and disgust
but then bliss
with the bliss of bugs
like many coffee mugs ~
Still its a paradigm
feeling like slime
and flowing
like lava but cool
actually resembling waves
of an ocean rubbing up against
moss covered rocks
moist and satisfied
gleaming green
tranquil with the tide
quite keen
with a steady stride
like a gregarious goat
feeling a float
on a high note
from a vivacious violin
vibrant like nylon
a bit nifty and neatly
in a nut of a
novel novel ~
Trying to create the calm
before the storm
like a worm
inching out after
a thunderstorm
nature takes form
and genes fail
all interactions are by mail
and time is as slow as a snails
hobbies become a habit
and jumping like a rabbit
is preferred for becoming stir crazy
is as inevitable as the sex drive
personal time will thrive
and that is worth being alive
oh yes that is worth being alive
trying to create the calm
before the storm
instead dance to her spirit
her disseminating emotion and stress
creating rational and realistic
measures to retaliate
this frightening fate
of a novel storm~
In the trouble of making a compromise
stubborn sides arise
shooting up like bamboo
not logical but instinctive
providing repetitive and efficient
products of the mind
materials that don’t provide longevity
opposite of an oak
slowly gathering nutrients
like negotiating sentences
thriving from breathing in heavily
sturdy and perceptive
compromise can blossom
into a field of wildflowers
resilient and novel
to the new land or idea
they work together harmoniously
communicating with the unfamiliar~
Find your flaws
accept the claws
into your tender side
whether wide
like the desert
or tiny like a
raspberry with
each hair penetrating
the vulnerable and juicy
sides of your being
resulting in a sticky jam
of situations that claws
can infiltrate deeply and intricately
exposing the ecstacy of emotions
in a logical and rational
arid reality of realizations
only accessible through
self acceptance
like a bird in the mirror
flying with the magnetic fields
resulting in times
of the nile
running from east to west
slowly in serendipity
for your flaws are
in the glare
of the midnight sun~
In this vast life
there is an ability
of each being
to grow as gradually
and immense
as a mountain
or random and sporadic
like a frivolous fountain
each made up of tiny particles
and meditative movement
resulting in a fascinating product
that is cherished throughout
societies and history
signifying the
young and reckless
old and wise
yet regeneration of life
is occurring simultaneously
—the sounds of both a fountain
and a mountain
rarely result in strife
instead a soothing sensation
is vibrating throughout
any set of eyeballs
observing any random
minuscule mountain or
funky fountain
the impression is inevitable
within every being~
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